The User Plane Route Selection Policy (URSP) is a key feature in 5G networks, allowing devices to steer traffic to different data networks based on specific policies set by the…
RATFallBack for Voice in 5G SA
1 RAT FallBack in 5G SA 1.1 Introduction Similar to EPS FB, the 5G NR does not provide voice/video communication services at the initial stage. When the gNB establishes an…
5GS-WiFi(ePDG) Calling/Offloading Aspects
1 EPDG <-->5GS IMS Media (Voice/Video) Offloading 1.1 Introduction We already have seen about IMS Media Voice / Video etc offload to ePDG from EPS to seek better Quality coverage…
Cell Broadcast Service or Public Warning System in 5G
Cell Broadcast Service or Public warning system is part of 5G cell broadcast mechanism. Cell Broadcast Centre Function(CBCF), is generic broadcast centre responsible for all kind of broadcast messages including…
Emergency Services(E911) FallBack procedures in 5G
1.1 Emergency Services FallBack ES-FB 1.1.1 Introduction Service Request for emergency: This solution is new in 5GS, i.e., there is no equivalent in 4G. The UE uses service-request for emergency…